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    Lines of Credit

    Our Credit Union offers a suite of four line of credit products: Overdraft, Personal, Home Equity and Student Line of Credit. All of these products have available life and disability insurance coverage. Granting of a line of credit requires the submission of an application with all the pertinent enclosures and a credit check of the applicant.

    Overdraft Line of Credit

    The overdraft line of credit, available up to $3,000, offers convenient short term overdraft protection at an affordable cost.

    Personal Line of Credit

    The personal line of credit is available up to $25,000 and is intended not only for unplanned expenses but big-ticket item purchases and longer-term credit needs. This product offers competitive pricing on a Credit Union prime plus basis with the actual interest rate based on a member’s financial standing.

    Home Equity Line of Credit

    The home equity line of credit is a revolving line of credit secured by the equity in your home. Up to 75% of your home’s available equity can be accessed anytime, anywhere. This product offers a higher credit limit at a lower rate and is available from $50,000 and up. Initial setup of this product is subject to applicable legal and appraisal fees.

    Student Line of Credit

    Student Line of Credit can assist with the cost of attending a post-secondary educational institution, including community college, university, or technical school. Our Credit Union offers Student Line of Credit at very competitive interest rates: PRIME +1%. Granting of this line of credit requires the submission of an application with all the pertinent enclosures. A co-signer may be required.